• Understanding Human Poverty

    Understanding Human Poverty

    Poverty is one of those aspects of human life that many turn away from or do not want to hear about, significantly if it does not directly affect them, their families, and their lives. Yet, the world is daily filled with the issues of human poverty. Human poverty goes beyond just the standard or restricted…

  • Is There A Difference Between Poverty And Living Poor?

    Is There A Difference Between Poverty And Living Poor?

    Poverty is one of those issues that many people talk about and wonder about. But poverty and living poor are not the same things. Poverty is about a person lacking enough resources or money to provide for their necessities of life, including food, clean water, shelter, and clothing. A person can have all of these…

  • Why Is A Study Of Poverty Important?

    Why Is A Study Of Poverty Important?

    It is common today to hear people claim that they want to eradicate poverty. If you are traveling to a Third World country, you might ask yourself, is it essential for me to understand or study poverty? The study of poverty is one of those issues that anyone who wants to live their life as…

  • Four Contributory Factors Poverty Both Locally And Globally

    Four Contributory Factors Poverty Both Locally And Globally

    Poverty is an issue that affects the entire world. Even those countries considered to be wealthy still have to deal with issues of poverty. There are four main contributory factors for poverty locally and globally: literacy and education, health and medical care, work or job opportunities, and the overpopulation of a city or country. All…

  • Exploring Victorian America

    Exploring Victorian America

    Victorian America, marked by rapid change and stark social contrasts, offers a window into the evolving American society from 1837 to 1901. By examining the daily lives, fashion, technological advancements, literature, arts, and social reform movements of the time, we gain insight into how these elements collectively shaped the nation’s trajectory. This period, characterized by…

  • Civil Rights in America: An Insight

    Civil Rights in America: An Insight

    The struggle for civil rights has long been a passionate and often turbulent aspect of American history, marked by courageous individuals and monumental shifts that still resonate today. By exploring the significant events that have shaped the movement, we begin our journey through the past turning points, including the courageous battles for freedom and equality.…