Author: James Johnstone

  • Exploring America’s First National Park

    Exploring America’s First National Park

    Yellowstone National Park’s story of becoming the cornerstone of American conservation is a tapestry of discovery, advocacy, and visionary legislation. From its early days of enchantment and mystery to its present status as a beacon for environmental preservation, Yellowstone’s tale is one of humanity’s increasing respect and reverence for the natural world. This narrative highlights…

  • Embracing Thanksgiving: A Family Tradition

    Embracing Thanksgiving: A Family Tradition

    Gathered around bountiful tables adorned with autumn’s harvest, the last Thursday in November observes a tradition deeply woven into the American cultural fabric. Thanksgiving Day, an amalgam of history, gratitude, and communal feasting, traces its lineage to the crisp fall of 1621 when the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe celebrated the fruits of a successful…

  • Exploring North Vietnam’s Flag: A Journey Through Time

    Exploring North Vietnam’s Flag: A Journey Through Time

    The iconic flag of North Vietnam, ablaze in its vibrant red hue and embellished with a single golden star, has stood as a powerful emblem embodying an intriguing fusion of the nation’s history, socio-political landscape, and cultural consciousness. It is more than just a piece of cloth fluttering in the wind; it’s a chronicle woven…

  • Unmasking Social Problems As World Nomads

    Unmasking Social Problems As World Nomads

    Traveling plays a pivotal role in broadening one’s horizons and shedding light on various social issues that persist around the globe. As modern technology paves the way for more digital nomads—individuals who leverage remote work to travel—their unique cross-cultural experiences lead to an intrinsic understanding of the varying facets of social problems. The gravity of…

  • Monks In Vietnam: Tradition And Modernity

    Monks In Vietnam: Tradition And Modernity

    Vietnam’s spiritual landscape is painted with the broad strokes of Buddhism, a tradition woven into the fabric of the nation’s identity over centuries. This narrative journeys through the evolution of Vietnamese monasticism, tracing its roots from early influences to its contemporary manifestations. As we navigate this historical and cultural path, we encounter the adaptability and…

  • Which Continent Calls Qatar Home? An Unforgettable Adventure!

    Which Continent Calls Qatar Home? An Unforgettable Adventure!

    Nestled in the heart of western Asia lies the intriguing and splendid nation of Qatar. A gem on the Arabian Peninsula, Qatar has established itself as a vibrant destination where the rich past meets the modern present remarkably. As we take this enlightening voyage, we will illuminate Qatar’s geographical standing, including its continental location, vibrant…