Category: Vietnam Travel

  • Exploring Vietnam: Trails Inked in Conflict History

    Exploring Vietnam: Trails Inked in Conflict History

    The Vietnam conflict, lasting over two decades, indelibly shaped the nation it ravaged – its people, its culture, and its urban and rural landscapes. The echoes of this tumultuous period are silent yet resonate strongly in geographically significant locations scattered across the country, from the vital arteries of Hanoi to the meandering tunnels of Cu…

  • Exploring the North Vietnamese Flag: A Journey Through Time and Symbolism

    Exploring the North Vietnamese Flag: A Journey Through Time and Symbolism

    Stitched into the fabric of Vietnam’s vibrant cultural tapestry is an iconic symbol that evokes a rich historical narrative, symbolizing unity, independence, and strength: the North Vietnamese flag. As an integral part of Vietnam’s national identity, it powerfully encapsulates the trials and triumphs of the Vietnamese people. From its inception, the North Vietnamese flag is…

  • Discover the Cuisines and Cultural Treasures of Vietnam

    Discover the Cuisines and Cultural Treasures of Vietnam

    Culture is a magnificent tapestry woven with threads of tradition, cuisine, art, history, and customs. Few places showcase this as vividly as Vietnam, a country steeped in thousands of years of history and rich culture. This journey into Vietnamese culture is about understanding its tantalizing cuisine or deeply ingrained societal norms and exploring the nation’s…

  • Was Vietnam A War Or Conflict? The Vietnam War Quandary

    Was Vietnam A War Or Conflict? The Vietnam War Quandary

    Having resided and worked within Vietnam over numerous years, I’ve garnered substantial insight into the period commonly referred to as the Vietnam War, though technically termed the Vietnam Conflict. This era, which unfolded from November 1, 1955, to April 30, 1975, is etched as a period of intense and divisive conflict in the annals of…

  • The Vietnam War: An Enduring Conflict 1955 To 1975

    The Vietnam War: An Enduring Conflict 1955 To 1975

    Since the early 1990s, I’ve had the privilege of traveling to or residing in North Vietnam. My inaugural visit was around 1992, and the Vietnam I encountered then, particularly Hanoi, bore stark contrasts to its current state. In those days, the city was a vivid tableau of the profound impacts of the Vietnam War on…

  • What Started The Vietnam Conflict? 6 Significant Events

    What Started The Vietnam Conflict? 6 Significant Events

    My time living and working in Northern Vietnam has afforded me a profound perspective on the lingering impact of the Vietnam War. Although the North Vietnamese marked the onset of hostilities as November 1, 1955, the actual origins of this conflict are embedded in a convoluted web of events and decisive turning points. It wasn’t…