Global Life

At A Bus On A Dusty Road, we are proponents of living as Global Citizens, and this encompasses welcoming the full spectrum of experiences that global living has to offer.

  • Understanding Social Stigmatism

    Understanding Social Stigmatism

    Exploring the depths of social stigmatism sheds light on the invisible barriers that define our interactions and shape societal norms. This exploration uncovers the multifaceted impact of stigmatism on an individual and collective level, revealing the challenges and opportunities we face in striving for a more inclusive society. From the roots of ancient societies to…


  • Potholes Along Dusty Road – Why We Should Embrace Failure

    Potholes Along Dusty Road – Why We Should Embrace Failure

    I recently wrote a book titled A Bus On A Dusty Road—Life Lessons Learned From Asia. In it, I told stories about what I have learned and discovered through my many travel adventures and how travel has changed my life and perspective. In my latest endeavor, “Potholes Along Dusty Roads: Life Lessons Learned From Failure,”…


  • Embracing The World: 21 Reasons Why Global Travel Is Invaluable

    Embracing The World: 21 Reasons Why Global Travel Is Invaluable

    I recently traveled from the United States back to Hanoi, Vietnam, and marveled at the diverse crowd of international travelers on my flight. This starkly contrasted with the quieter days of travel during the COVID-19 pandemic when the skies and airports were nearly empty. Today, the resurgence of global travel is evident, with people from…


  • Unveiling the Lifespan of Koi Fish: A Nomad’s Guide

    Unveiling the Lifespan of Koi Fish: A Nomad’s Guide

    Revered in many cultures for their vibrant arrays of colors, Koi fish are a remarkable testament to the glorious beauty and depth of aquatic life. They have gracefully swum their way to worldwide recognition, embodying love, friendship, and resilience. Analogically akin to the global nomad who thrives in varying environments, cherishing every connection, Koi fish…


  • How To Travel Internationally Without Flying? 9 Different Ways

    How To Travel Internationally Without Flying? 9 Different Ways

    If you are looking to travel internationally and do not want to have to fly, there are different ways you can consider traveling without ever getting into an airplane. If you are looking for creative ways to travel internationally without flying, there are many ways you can travel, such as by bus or coach, train,…


  • What Are The Obligations Of A Global Citizen?

    What Are The Obligations Of A Global Citizen?

    Living your life as a global citizen is a great way to live. Exploring, understanding, and learning about new cultures, people, and countries will help to make your life rich and fulfilling. When living as a global citizen, you must consider some obligations. The United Nations has a declaration known as the Universal Declaration of…


  • 6 Ways To Become A Global Citizen

    6 Ways To Become A Global Citizen

    Becoming a global citizen is a way of life. It is not about where you live but how you live your life. Being a global citizen means recognizing the global citizen within you while actively expanding your international community. Being a global citizen means you live your life to learn from your global community and…


  • What Does It Mean To Be A Global Citizen?

    What Does It Mean To Be A Global Citizen?

    Today, we live in a world that is more interconnected than ever before. What happens in one part of the world can affect what happens in another region. To “live your life as a global citizen” means to be globally minded. Being a global citizen means that you see the world as one place. A…


  • Understanding Human Poverty

    Understanding Human Poverty

    Poverty is one of those aspects of human life that many turn away from or do not want to hear about, significantly if it does not directly affect them, their families, and their lives. Yet, the world is daily filled with the issues of human poverty. Human poverty goes beyond just the standard or restricted…



Infinite Excursions Beckon With Dusty Roads – We Adopt Global Viewpoints