China & Hong Kong Travel

At A Bus On A Dusty Road, one of the must-visit locations in China and Hong Kong. China and Hong Kong are lands brimming with history, culture, ancient monuments, and delightful culinary experiences.

  • China Developing Country: China As Developing Country Myth

    China Developing Country: China As Developing Country Myth

    My initial journey to China was in the mid-1980s, during an era when it bore little resemblance to the China we see today. China is a country that has seen significant changes in the last 50 years. China’s swift rise on the global economic stage is genuinely remarkable. Transitioning from a primarily agricultural society to…


  • Lunar New Year Vs. Chinese New Year Understanding Both Terms

    Lunar New Year Vs. Chinese New Year Understanding Both Terms

    If you’re in China, have Chinese friends, or visit during the holiday season, you might hear “Chinese New Year” and “Lunar New Year” used interchangeably. For newcomers, this can be puzzling. Essentially, both terms refer to the same holiday but are named differently. They celebrate the start of a new year based on the lunar…


  • How Tall Is The Great Wall Of China And Other Fascinating Facts

    How Tall Is The Great Wall Of China And Other Fascinating Facts

    The Great Wall of China has long captivated the imaginations of history enthusiasts, tourists, and scholars alike. The Great Wall is truly a symbol of China and all China could accomplish by building the wall. With its intricate design, massive scale, and historical significance, the wall is more than just an architectural marvel. It symbolizes…


  • 50 F.A.Q, And Facts About The Great Wall Of China

    50 F.A.Q, And Facts About The Great Wall Of China

    I’ve had the unique opportunity to visit the Great Wall of China. During my travels throughout China, I’ve witnessed various sections of this iconic structure, from its pristine parts to deteriorating ones. However, regardless of the condition of The Great Wall, what consistently resonates with me is the sheer monumental testament the Great Wall represents…


  • How To Have Authentic Chinese Accent When You Speak Chinese?

    How To Have Authentic Chinese Accent When You Speak Chinese?

    I’ve lived and worked in China for several years and have dedicated much of my life to studying the Chinese language. One revelation from my experiences is the incredible diversity of accents within China. The variations of accents are so pronounced that even native Chinese speakers sometimes struggle to understand their fellow citizens. This complexity…


  • How Many Miles Is The Great Wall Of China & Why It Matters?

    How Many Miles Is The Great Wall Of China & Why It Matters?

    I have been to the Great Wall of China or seen a section of the wall while traveling to China. To see it up close and personal, you can understand its marvelous structure. The Great Wall of China is not just a wall; it’s a symbol of perseverance, human achievement, and cultural legacy. But how…


  • Can You See The Great Wall Of China From Space?

    Can You See The Great Wall Of China From Space?

    One enduring myth about the Great Wall of China is that it’s the sole artificial structure visible from space. This myth emerged in 1938 when space travel was not a reality. However, astronauts who’ve journeyed into space have debunked this claim, asserting they couldn’t discern the Great Wall from their celestial vantage point. Various reasons…


  • Is Hong Kong Independent? A Unique Blend Of East And West

    Is Hong Kong Independent? A Unique Blend Of East And West

    Having spent several years living and working in Hong Kong, I’ve witnessed firsthand the dynamic fusion of Eastern and Western cultures that defines this remarkable city. As a gateway between the East and the West, Hong Kong offers a vibrant mix of traditions, cuisines, architecture, and languages, making it an exhilarating place to live and…


  • Why The Capital City Of China Is Beijing?

    Why The Capital City Of China Is Beijing?

    China, a massive and powerful East Asian nation-state, comprises numerous provinces and cities. Beijing, China, has taken the title of capital for centuries. Beijing, China’s capital, is a prosperous city with both the history and culture of China. Beijing ruled China for at least eight centuries with few short-lived interruptions. When the People’s Republic of…



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