China & Hong Kong Travel

At A Bus On A Dusty Road, one of the must-visit locations in China and Hong Kong. China and Hong Kong are lands brimming with history, culture, ancient monuments, and delightful culinary experiences.

  • What Is The Difference Between The Manchu And Han People?

    What Is The Difference Between The Manchu And Han People?

    China has a history of over 5,000 years. This history can be confusing, especially considering the many people who make up present-day China. The Manchu people are the people who lived for centuries in what is known as Manchurian or Northeast China. They were the rulers during the Chinese Qing Dynasty. China categorizes the Manchu…


  • Manchu VS. Ming, Differences Explained

    Manchu VS. Ming, Differences Explained

    China has a long, rich history, but sometimes confusing history. One of the most confusing aspects is understanding the difference between Ming and Manchu. The Manchu is a group of people who are also known as Manchurians. They ruled China from 1644 to 1911 and are considered China’s last dynasty. Ming is not a group…


  • Where Does The Great Wall Of China End?

    Where Does The Great Wall Of China End?

    The Great Wall of China is one of the most impressive structures on the face of the earth. It is so large that it can be seen from space. The Great Wall ends at what is known as the Jianyu Pass; this Jianyu Pass is the westernmost part of the Great Wall and was also…


  • How Did The Manchu Conquer China?

    How Did The Manchu Conquer China?

    When people learn about Chinese History, it isn’t apparent that China’s last dynasty was not Chinese but was considered Manchurian. The Manchus conquered China partly because the Ming Dynasty was in disarray, and the Manchurians’ military forces were superior in their military discipline, unity, and preparedness. The Ming Dynasty dealt with infighting and a very…


  • What Happened To The Manchu People In China?

    What Happened To The Manchu People In China?

    The Manchu people ruled China for over 250 years, from 1644 to about 1911. Anyone who has watched the Last Emperor of China can understand a bit about the collapse of the Manchurian or Qing Dynasty in China. The Qing Dynasty was the last dynasty in China. After the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, the…


  • Are Miao And Hmong The Same People?

    Are Miao And Hmong The Same People?

    If you are traveling to China and then later to Vietnam, it can be confusing as both the words Miao and Hmong can refer to the same or similar hill tribe groups. Miao is a Chinese term used for the ethnic hill tribes that are Hmong, Hmu, Qo Xiong, and A-Hmao people. If someone says…


  • 11 Things China and Vietnam Have In Common

    11 Things China and Vietnam Have In Common

    I have lived in both China and Vietnam. I have studied Chinese and Vietnamese languages and culture; it is surprising how many things in familiar China and Vietnam have. China and Vietnam are Asian countries with many similarities in their culture, traditions, and language. Both are patriarchal societies that believe in ancestor worship. Many of…


  • Is It Safe To Walk At Night In Hong Kong? Tips to Stay Safe

    Is It Safe To Walk At Night In Hong Kong? Tips to Stay Safe

    I have lived and traveled to Hong Kong for many years. I have usually found Hong Kong to be a very safe city during my time there. Hong Kong is still a relatively safe city, and Hong Kong is usually safe to walk at night. But with any place that you are traveling, there are…


  • What Dogs Come From Tibet?  All About Tibetan Dog Breeds

    What Dogs Come From Tibet? All About Tibetan Dog Breeds

    One spring, I traveled to Tibetan China. We traveled 8 hours overland from Sichuan, China, to parts of Tibet few foreigners have visited. The scenery was breathtaking, and making our quest even more interesting was knowing all about the different Tibetan dogs. Visitors to Tibet should understand the unique and fascinating Tibetan dog breeds. The…



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