Tag: Christmas

  • Why Do People Hate Christmas?

    Why Do People Hate Christmas?

    Every year, Christmas rolls around as the most wonderful time of the year. People are usually filled with joy and excitement over the festivities, gifts, decorations, and holiday foods they indulge in during this particular season. Unfortunately, not everyone has a positive outlook on Christmas; some people hate it! Hating or dreading Christmas is quite…

  • Norway, Denmark, And Sweden Celebrate Christmas On December 24th.

    Norway, Denmark, And Sweden Celebrate Christmas On December 24th.

    It may surprise many when they go to Scandinavia to find that Christmas is celebrated on December 24, not December 25. December 25 can be a quiet day in these countries. Norway, Denmark, and Sweden celebrate Christmas on December 24 because Christmas Day was permanently reserved as a holy day. The Scandinavians also celebrate on…