When starting to do your family history research, one of the first places you should start to look is to get information from the oldest living relative you know. This could be a grandparent or even a great-grandparent. One of the best ways to obtain information from your relatives and get to know them is…
I have five sisters, and we all have different results when we take genealogy DNA tests. When tracing your roots through a DNA genealogy test, biological siblings may find that they have much less DNA in common than they thought. On average, brothers and sisters only share about 50% of the same DNA. When the…
There are many great things we can learn from our ancestors. As we learn about them, we also learn important life lessons. Our ancestors taught us that family matters, education is essential, and change can happen in life, so we need to learn to deal with it. We also learn that people only know your…
When you are first starting out to find information about your ancestors, you may get confused by some of the terms that are used as genealogy, family history, and ancestry. Many genealogists will use these words interchangeably. Genealogy is about collecting and verifying the data of your ancestors or family members who have gone before…
Traveling to experience new cultures, people, and places is always a unique and eye-opening experience. But if you travel to discover your family roots and learn of your ancestor’s stories, travel can be even more meaningful. Heritage tourism is when you travel to learn about another place, culture, history, and people; in your travel, you…
I have been a few trips with my mother where we went specifically traveled to find some genealogical records of our ancestors. These trips were quite successful because my mother prepared way in advance of what she hoped to accomplish or find. Before a family history trip to find your ancestry, you must do some…