Category: Ancestry & Heritage Travel

  • The Difference Between Genealogy, Family History, and Ancestry

    The Difference Between Genealogy, Family History, and Ancestry

    When you are first starting out to find information about your ancestors, you may get confused by some of the terms that are used as genealogy, family history, and ancestry. Many genealogists will use these words interchangeably. Genealogy is about collecting and verifying the data of your ancestors or family members who have gone before…

  • Why Ancestry Travel is The New and Exciting Travel Trend

    Why Ancestry Travel is The New and Exciting Travel Trend

    Traveling is always very exciting as there are so many things you can learn and discover through your travels. One way you can add a new dimension to your travel is through ancestry travel. Ancestry travel is a new and exciting way to travel as it helps you discover your family history. The ancestry travel…

  • 11 Skills For Family History Research & Genealogy Travel

    11 Skills For Family History Research & Genealogy Travel

    Are you looking for ways to enhance your family history research and genealogy travel experience? Have you ever considered how to use more than just online resources to uncover information about your ancestors’ lives? Some skills and traits will help you with your genealogical research and family history. These 11 traits and skills include 1)…

  • Genealogy DNA Tests and Testing – Read This Before You Buy

    Genealogy DNA Tests and Testing – Read This Before You Buy

    Did you ever wonder where your ancestors came from or how they traveled? You can learn more about you and your ancestors through sophisticated genealogical DNA testing. We inherit our DNA from our parents and our ancestors. Genealogy genetic ancestry tests are useful in discovering more about our ethnic heritage, health traits, and ancestors. Most…

  • Genealogy Travel:  Knowing Your Ancestor’s Homeland

    Genealogy Travel: Knowing Your Ancestor’s Homeland

    Travel is a wonderful thing to experience. Traveling with a purpose, like trying to discover more about your genealogy, can add new meaning and dimension to your travel. Research about your ancestor’s homeland is essential to any genealogical travel. You must do your research on your ancestor’s hometown before you travel to that location. If…

  • How Can I Find My Family History For Free?

    How Can I Find My Family History For Free?

    Taking the journey to find your family history and learning about your ancestors can be an amazing journey.  You can discover things you never knew about yourself and your family.   We recommend the FamilySearch program to help you organize and preserve your family history records. FamilySearch is an entirely free genealogy program that is…