Global Nomad

At A Bus On A Dusty Road, we embrace the lifestyle of a Global Nomad. This entails the freedom to work, travel, and reside in any corner of the globe. To us, the world is an expansive playground awaiting exploration.

  • Is Remote Work Dying? Why It May Soon Be A Thing Of Past 

    Is Remote Work Dying? Why It May Soon Be A Thing Of Past 

    There was no doubt that COVID-19 changed the world. Life as we knew it ground to a halt for years, and millions of people transitioned to remote work. I remember the sudden shift to working from home, the initial struggles, and the eventual joys of a more flexible lifestyle. Many companies promised that this newfound…


  • Unmasking Social Problems As World Nomads

    Unmasking Social Problems As World Nomads

    Traveling plays a pivotal role in broadening one’s horizons and shedding light on various social issues that persist around the globe. As modern technology paves the way for more digital nomads—individuals who leverage remote work to travel—their unique cross-cultural experiences lead to an intrinsic understanding of the varying facets of social problems. The gravity of…


  • Exploring Lebanon: A Taste of Asia’s Edge

    Exploring Lebanon: A Taste of Asia’s Edge

    Lebanon, the hidden gem of Asia, is an enchanting country steeped in history and imbued with cultural richness. Its mountainous terrains, beautiful coastlines, and age-old archaeological sites offer a glimpse into the diversity and idiosyncrasies that define Asia. The tapestry of Lebanon’s spirit is intricately woven with threads from its location, echoing the essence of…


  • Is Mexico A Socialist Country?

    Is Mexico A Socialist Country?

    Many Americans are unsure what to think of our southern neighbors, who we know as Mexico. One question that many people want to know is if Mexico is a truly socialist country. Mexico is not a truly socialist country but is known to have a mixed economy, which means that Mexico has both capitalist and…


  • Is It True America Is Both Capitalist And Socialist?

    Is It True America Is Both Capitalist And Socialist?

    There can be some confusion in America if America is both a Capitalist and a Socialist. Even I was confused if America was considered a capitalist and socialist country. America is considered both a capitalist and socialist economy; America is deemed to have a mixed economy, which means it has both capitalist and socialist characteristics.…


  • Is Singapore A Socialist Or Capitalist Country?

    Is Singapore A Socialist Or Capitalist Country?

    Singapore is a small island state that is located in Southeast Asia. This small country is also a place that continues to show the world how socialism and capitalism can mix. Singapore has characteristics of both a socialist and capitalist country, so they have a mixed economic system. They are also ranked number one in…


  • Why Do People Think “Socialism Is When The Government Does Stuff”?

    Why Do People Think “Socialism Is When The Government Does Stuff”?

    There has been talking lately about Socialism and what Socialism means. Many people think that Socialism is when the government does things for them. Socialism is not about the government doing stuff for us. The principle of Socialism is about private ownership vs. public ownership. Socialism believes that for true freedom and true equality, the…


  • 3 Tips For Ending A Romantic Relationship

    3 Tips For Ending A Romantic Relationship

    Most of us have or will sometimes in our lives realize that the romantic relationship we are in is not what we really want, so we need to find a way of ending it. There are many ways to end a romantic relationship, but here are three tips for you to consider. When a romantic…


  • 11 Reasons Why I Got Hooked On Korean Television Dramas

    11 Reasons Why I Got Hooked On Korean Television Dramas

    Many years ago, my good friend Vong told me she was hooked on Korean television dramas. I remember thinking – really, Vong – how can you watch that kind of Asian fluffy drama? Now we fast-forward another 10 years, and Vong and I are having regular phone conversations about what Korean dramas and movie stars…



Embrace the Global Perspective: Unlimited Adventures and Limitless Journeys