Realities Of Becoming A Global Nomad Or Remote Work, 7 Realities Explained

7 Realities Of Becoming A Global Nomad And Remote Working

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Lately, I’ve heard several people talk about wanting to become a Global nomad, or in other words, working and living in another country.

There are many realities about becoming a global nomad or deciding that you are going to work overseas. Life will be different, and in some cases, no matter where you choose to work, you may find it very difficult just because of Internet availability, electricity, or other aspects of your life overseas.

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Our 7 Realities of Living and Working Overseas As a Global Nomad

Working remotely while traveling the world has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially among the younger generations. Becoming a permanent “global nomad” is alluring: no more boring office hours nor long commutes; it’s freedom like never before.

But what does it mean to dive into this lifestyle? What challenges and opportunities will you face along your digital nomadic journey?

Read on to discover the seven top realities I have experienced while living and working overseas.

Life Working and Living Overseas Will Be Different

Living overseas will be different. And in many ways, that can be a good thing. In other ways, for some people, it can become difficult.

I have always enjoyed living and working overseas. I have enjoyed the different cultures, food, and people I have met. But I have also lived and worked overseas long enough to know that for some people, it becomes a challenging experience for them.

Some people live overseas because their partner or spouse wants to live abroad. I have met some women married to men who were ex-pats; some women were afraid to go outside their homes.

The differences you will experience overseas can be challenging for some people.

Expat Life Overseas Can Be Expensive

Many people feel living overseas will be much cheaper than living in their own country. The truth is that some things can be pretty expensive. For example, if you have children, you may find that putting them in an international school will cost you more than putting them in a college.

Other things, such as the foods you like, may cost three or four times more than what you would pay in the United States. The belief that everything is cheaper overseas is not always true; many things can be far more expensive.

Sometimes, you may need things you find difficult or impossible to find overseas. Things such as finding the dental floss you might need or even your preferred brand of toothpaste can sometimes be very difficult or impossible to find.

You Still Need Good Medical Insurance To Live Overseas

Living and working overseas, you will need good medical insurance. For most expatriates, you will want to have an evacuation plan as part of their medical insurance.

Some countries may offer free or very inexpensive medical care, but you may find that you are in the hospital sharing a room with six or seven other people. If you are sick, this can be a very unpleasant experience.

Listen To Our Podcast About Realities Of Becoming A Global Nomad Or Remote Work below or by clicking here.

In Some Places, Overseas Remote Work May Not Be Possible

You may want to work overseas because you can work remotely. This has been a trend that many people have started recently with Covid, allowing them to work remotely at work from anywhere.

In some parts of the world, living and working in those places may be cheap. But you may also have to deal with electrical blackouts or Internet issues. You may find it very difficult to get high-speed Internet or have the electricity you need to complete your work.

You may be in a developing country, so you may find lots of noise or construction around you. Besides electricity or Internet problems, you may find that sometimes your water and other utilities go off.

You may think it is not a problem, or you can go down to the local Café, but it can be difficult if you have a deadline you need to meet. It can be very frustrating to find that your electricity has been turned off for 10 hours and you suddenly have no Internet access.

Sometimes It Can Be Frustrating To Live Overseas

It can sometimes be frustrating to be living and working overseas, especially if you do not speak the local language. Trying to do simple things can be difficult; finding some food you need or getting from one place to another is not always easy.

If you can handle the frustrations of life, or you sort of roll with the punches, living overseas may be pretty easy for you. But if you are someone that gets easily flustered or upset, you may find it difficult. No matter where you choose to live overseas, there will be some things that will frustrate you.

It Can Get Lonely To Live and Work Remotely Overseas

If you are going overseas without any support network, it can get lonely. If you have difficulty meeting new friends or people, it may be overwhelming to go to a place where you do not know anyone.

Some people may thrive on this and enjoy meeting new people and making new friends. Again this depends upon your personality and if you can handle this aspect of life overseas.

There will be things that you will have to be able to navigate legally. To live and work in a foreign country, you will need to have a proper visa to be able to do so.

You may have to be able to negotiate things such as visa extensions, work permits, or other types of legal paperwork. I have loved living overseas, but I also understand many legal issues of having to do so.

I have had to handle many of these aspects of life overseas myself, so I understand firsthand how difficult this can be and some of the realities of living and working overseas.

Most people who rent an apartment overseas long-term need to show that they have the proper papers to live and stay in that location. Again, this will depend upon which country you live in and their local rules and regulations.

Still, most people who are living or working overseas will have to have the ability to somehow navigate the legal aspects of living overseas.

At A Bus On A Dusty Road, we talk about travel, life, and ex-pat living. We are all about “Living Life As A Global Citizen.” We explore social, cultural, and economic issues and travel.

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What River Runs Through The Grand Canyon And Other Facts

The river that runs through the Grand Canyon is the mighty Colorado River. The Colorado River is one of the major rivers in the United States. Besides the Colorado river, several tributary rivers are also in the Grand Canyon Area.

By clicking here, you can discover What River Runs Through The Grand Canyon And Other Facts.

How Big Is The Grand Canyon? & Other Grand Canyon Questions

The Grand Canyon area is 277 miles long or about 1,904 square miles. It is a vast area that will take you 5 hours or 215 miles to travel from the North Rim to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Most of the area does not have hiking or other trails. As the Grand Canyon took about 6 million years to create, it is one of the world’s natural wonders.

By clicking here, you can discover How Big Is The Grand Canyon? & Other Grand Canyon Questions.

Which Airport Is Close To Yellowstone? And Other Yellowstone Airport Travel Facts

West Yellowstone Airport is the closest airport to Yellowstone National Park. The airport is only a few miles from the park entrance but has a limited flight schedule and is not open all year round. Other airports include Jackson Hole Airport and Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport; both offer more flights, car rental, and ground transportation options.

By clicking here, you can discover Which Airport Is Close To Yellowstone? And Other Yellowstone Airport Travel Facts.

Anita L Hummel
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