When producing a niche website, one of the things that most publishers want to know is how Ezoic can help you to earn the highest earnings on your site. As an Ezoic publisher, I have found many ways Ezoic has helped me do this. My Ezoic ad rate is much higher than my Google Adsense…
When you are looking to start up a website and put ads on your website, it is essential to understand some differences between the different ad terms. EPMV means your total Earning Per Thousand Visitors. The EPMV will take in many factors to determine your EPMV for your site. Google’s RPM is Page Revenue Per…
I have been using Ezoic ad agency for my websites. Recently they invited me to join their Premium publisher’s program. Ezoic offers some of their more experienced publishers a premium service. To use this service, you must be invited by Ezoic. I have been on the Ezoics premium service for several months and found it…
I have tried both the Ezoic and Google Adsense platforms for my websites. As I have used both of them, I have had first-hand experience with both ad platforms. When comparing Ezoic to Google Adsense, I have found that my preferred ad platform is Ezoic. There are many reasons for this, but some of my…
If you were thinking of starting a blog and wondering how to earn an income off your blog, most people do it with affiliates and ad income. I have been using Ezoic, and we like their ad network. There are many reasons we love Ezoic, but a few of them are that Ezoic is easy…