Best Currency For Vietnam and Cambodia – An Insiders Guide

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I live as an ex-pat in Vietnam and travel quite a bit to Cambodia. In both countries, I deal with understanding what currency is the best to use in these locations.

The Vietnamese dong is the best currency to use in Vietnam, especially for taxis, restaurants, and small shops. Many taxis, shops, and restaurants will gladly quote and sell to you in United States dollars in Cambodia. Vietnam and Cambodia have a lot of ATMs for you to withdraw cash.

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Choosing the Right Currency in Vietnam and Cambodia: Insights from an Expat

Living as an expat in Vietnam and frequently traveling to Cambodia, I’ve gained firsthand experience in navigating the currency landscape in these countries. In Vietnam, the Vietnamese dong reigns as the most practical currency, particularly for everyday transactions like taxis, restaurants, and small shops.

Conversely, in Cambodia, the U.S. dollar is widely accepted and often preferred, with many establishments readily quoting prices and conducting sales in dollars. Vietnam and Cambodia are well-equipped with ATMs, making accessing cash in the local currency convenient as needed.

This guide reflects my experiences and observations, aimed at helping others understand the best currency practices in these two culturally rich countries.

We recommend that most people traveling to Vietnam and Cambodia bring some US dollar cash, but then bring a credit or debit card so you can withdraw cash as needed. I have used US-based credit and debit cards in both places without much problem, though I have found shops in Vietnam now accept more credit cards than in Cambodia; both places prefer cash.

Best Currency to Use for Vietnam

When I came to Vietnam in the early 2000s, it was common for restaurants and taxis to take and even agreed to be paid in dollars. Many places would tell you the price in US dollars and the local Vietnamese dong currency.

This practice is now becoming less and less common. Some tourist shops, who may also act as “money changers,” may be willing to take your US dollar cash, but I find this a less common practice throughout Vietnam.

Most places you buy from will quote you and ask you to pay in the local Vietnamese currency, known as the “dong.” Many will accept your credit cards, but some may ask you to pay extra to cover some credit card fees.

If you go to an ATM and want to get money, you can not get the money out in US dollars; in Vietnam, you can only take money out in Vietnamese Dong.

The airport taxis now usually want to have the Vietnamese dong and do not want it paid in United States dollars. They may not want to go through the hassle of trying to exchange the United States dollars you are giving them.

Some shops in downtown Hanoi that cater to tourists are happy to take your US dollar cash. These shops will be sure to cover themselves for any exchange rate differences; you may pay slightly more in United States dollars than if you paid in Vietnamese dong.

ATMs in Vietnam

We do not recommend that travelers to Vietnam carry a lot of United States dollar cash; there is always a risk you can be robbed and pickpocketed. We suggest you have some money for your arrival and miscellaneous expenses.

They prefer United States dollars if you get your Vietnamese visa at the airport upon arrival. Try to have the exact amount you need, as it will make the visa process faster. Also, have some United States dollars to exchange at the airport for some local currency to take a taxi or any other miscellaneous expenses,

Most airports in Vietnam have ATMs. I have not found those machines to be the best with my USA-based Citi card, but it depends significantly on what ATM they have and if it works with your card.

If you only have US dollar cash and are taking a taxi, I would inform the taxi driver before you get in to make sure they will take the US dollar cash. Just be aware they may charge you slightly extra for their having to take the US dollar cash.

Once you get to your hotel, most front desks are happy to exchange US dollars cash for Vietnamese dong, and many hotels have ATMs in or around the hotel.

You can usually find ATMs around the major hotels in Vietnam’s major cities and tourist areas. If you are traveling outside these areas, it would be best to prepare yourself with Vietnamese dong as that is what most people there will want for food and other services.

Also, all major hotels, shops, and restaurants usually accept credit cards. Some places that accept credit cards may charge you an extra credit card service fee.

Vietnam does have many Western banks like ANZ and HSBC, to name a few.

Best Currency To Use for Cambodia

Cambodia is entirely different than Vietnam. The Cambodian currency is the Riel, which is being used more, but Cambodia uses and accepts many United States dollars. In fact, as a foreigner, I am usually expected to pay in US dollars in Cambodia and not the local currency.

When traveling to Vietnam, we do not recommend bringing a lot of cash to Cambodia but using a credit or debit card instead to withdraw cash as needed. We realize this is more expensive regarding bank fees, but it is still much cheaper than if you get robbed of all your cash.

I have known people traveling to Cambodia who have gotten robbed right at the airport while getting into a taxi or car.

If you are getting a Cambodian visa at the border, they will want you to pay in US dollars cash, so you must prepare that cash before arriving in Cambodia.

Most shops, restaurants, and hotels will quote you in US dollars and Cambodian Riel prices, but they happily accept and expect United States dollars for payment. If change is required, usually for small amounts, they will give you the change in Cambodian Riel, even if you gave them dollars for the payment.

Taxis and Tuktuks from the airport are always happy to take US dollars; most of them will quote you a price in dollars. Hotel staff and others are happy to get their tip in United States dollars; local markets will be happy to take any of your United States dollars cash.

If you are traveling overland to Cambodia and getting a taxi at the border to take you into Phnom Penh, ensure you have United States dollar cash for the border and the taxi. We recommend having one, five, ten, and twenty dollars in change.

Also, ensure your United States dollars look crisp and new and are not torn, taped, marked up, or in bad condition. I have had currency refused here if they feel like it does not look new and crisp. I have not found anyone who wants to accept United States coins.

I have found some shops in Cambodia that will not accept a credit card for payment; they do not even have a credit card machine in their shops and only want US dollar cash. Just be aware that you may need to go to the ATM to withdraw US dollar cash to buy some things you want. Also, some places will accept your credit card but ask you to pay the extra credit card service fee.

ATMs In Cambodia

Like Vietnam, ATMs all over Cambodia will accept foreign credit or debit cards. You can find these ATMs on the street, in hotels, and even in some shops.

The major airports, especially in Phnom Penh, have ATMs at the airport. If you come by bus from Ho Chi Minh, this will be harder to find at the border.

Until Vietnam, these Cambodian ATMs will give you US dollars in cash. Just by the nature of the way the ATMs readily give United States dollars, you can see how different the usage of US dollars is accepted in Cambodia vs. Vietnam.

Because of this, I call the United States dollar the “official – unofficial” currency of Cambodia. It can be used almost everywhere, especially in the tourism areas of the country.

When traveling to both Vietnam and Cambodia, it is crucial that you fully understand which currency will be accepted in what location. If you travel with a currency other than US dollars, you will probably need to go to a bank or money changer to change that currency into the currency you need.

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North Or South Vietnam? 1 Week In Vietnam

If someone only had one week to visit Vietnam, I would tell them to travel to North Vietnam. Hanoi is a lovely city, and there are plenty of wonderful sites to see. You can take two exciting side trips outside Hanoi to experience the great flavor of Vietnam and all it has to offer its visitors.

You can discover more by reading North Or South Vietnam? 1 Week In Vietnam by clicking here.

What Is The Cambodian Karma Scarf?

The Cambodian Krama scarf is a gingham scarf that is not only used as a scarf but is also used as a bandanna, baby carrier, or even a blanket. Traditionally each Cambodian would hand-weave their own scarf in cotton or silk. Many in the Western world may recognize the red and white gingham scarf that the Khmer Rouge used when they ruled Cambodia.

You can find out more by reading our blog The Cambodian Krama Scarf, The Story Behind This Iconic Scarf by clicking here.

Anita L Hummel
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